Building strong, cohesive leadership teams with God in the center.
“Healthy Leaders Create Healthy Workplaces. Healthy Workplaces Make Our Families Better.”
When we create workplaces where people know they’re loved, where everyone brings out the best in each other, and they’re all paid fairly, we go home feeling fulfilled.
Many families struggle with many things. When people know they’re loved at work, they bring some of that love home, and their families improve. As their families get better, they bring that love and joy back to work and do their best to make their organization succeed.
Does that sound like your workplace or organization? If not, how will you get there?
We believe the answer comes when business leaders take their calling as employers seriously and journey toward God’s definition of success, not only for themselves but their employees and their families, their customers and vendors, and their local community.
Amazing things happen when we invite God into every aspect of our workplace. I’ve spent many decades learning and implementing biblical principles in my organizations, and I want to help other business leaders do the same.
If your organization needs a tune-up or major course correction, I’d love to help you get there.

Simple Systems that WORK
“The principles that Phil taught us put us in a position where we had a financial cushion for the 1st moment in our lives.”
Bridging Business and the Bible
“Phil is a master at bringing focus into the challenges business presents. Phil is good at identifying the issues and bringing together a simple step by step action plan. What attracted us to Phil was his firm belief in God and that the answers to our business challenges can be found in the Word of God. Phil was able to carefully walk us through processes of bringing the Word of God into the workplace.”
Practical Steps to Breakthrough
“Putting in place Phil’s systems helped grow out organization from 6 employees to 30, and I have stronger relationships with God and my family than before.”

We work alongside the CEO and the Leadership team to:
- Identify the unique challenges facing your organization
- Build or refine a strong and cohesive leadership team
- Create a master plan
- Develop systems around the master plan
- Empower your team through healthy delegation & support
- Establish internal and external accountability measures
- Implement continuous improvement strategies
- Help you become a better decision maker
- Connect you with trusted resources to support your business
- Become proficient at leading change effectively
- Learn how to hear from God daily
- Utilize the Bible & Prayer to grow a healthy organization
Take ACTION Today!
Building Tips
Use "Mountain Guides" whenever possible. These aren’t always people with degrees and resumes but those who have climbed the mountains you're facing for each facet of your business. They’ve been there and done that. Many of these mountain guides are eager to help you for a reasonable fee—sometimes even for free—if you just ask.
Approach the Bible experimentally. Your eye doctor has you cover one eye to read the eye chart. If you’ve been given a churched version of the Bible, try covering your “church eye,” and reading the Bible. You’ll be surprised at the whole life message you’ll see.
For the core part of your business—your service or product—develop an insatiable hunger to learn as much as possible about your line of work. Never lose that hunger.
Don't be surprised if starting or running a business is harder than you ever imagined it would be. And never quit on a bad day. Breathe, read the Bible, take some serious prayer walks, surround yourself with successful people who believe in you, and wait for better days that WILL follow!
Structure how you start your day and stick with it. Have a finish line at the end of each day when you can go home to your “other life.” I talk about this in the "Importance of Self-Care" podcast, which you can access here.
ALWAYS tell yourself the truth. “If you don’t tell me the truth, life will.” Confusion enters when you're NOT telling yourself the truth about something. Don’t fudge or fizzle the truth. Meet life head-on.
Become as ORGANIZED as you can! If your day-to-day is organized, then you have more bandwidth for spontaneity. Like Jazz music, running a business is a healthy tension between structure and improvisation.
When we hire people, we look at our "Five C's": Character, Competence, Cultural Fit, willingness to take Correction, and Commitment. Use mine, or come up with your own. Also, no decisions about employees should ever be made by one person. Always use a team to get you multiple views of the situation.
Consider what makes your organization—or any organization—TOXIC instead of HEALTHY. Make lists of what healthy and toxic organizations do. Stop doing toxic things and start doing healthy things. Ask employees to help create those lists.