Lift Your Hands

I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere,
lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
1 Timothy 2:8

Since my body is part of who I am in this life, at Paul’s recommendation, I will raise my hands when I pray.

Not for show, but to God….

… Without wrath. Many things in this world leave me feeling angry: Injustice. Corrupt politicians. Unnecessary, unresolved conflicts in families, churches, organizations, and in and between nations. Children suffering.

… Without doubting. Not mindlessly praying with only my mouth. Nor praying while doubting whether God hears and answers.

But praying with everything me to the God I can’t see but who’s real—the creator of all things and the giver of life to everything living.

When I raise my hands:

  • I surrender.
  • I let go.
  • I reach up for help.

When I, as a child, lift my hands and my heart to God, God reaches down

Go someplace where no one sees you. Then, lift your hands. Perhaps it will bring you a little closer to heaven.

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